Menu Clock v2.1.0

Menu Clock v2.1.0 - Imagine you are inside an application you want to know the current time. Perhaps you don't want to close the application nor do you have time to search for the close menu, go to the home screen and check the current time.

Menu Clock for BlackBerry

With "Menu Clock" you can now easily view the current time by opening your menu. This works in all applications no matter whether they come with your BlackBerry smartphone or you installed them as third party applications. The support includes, but is not limited to: BlackBerry Maps, Facebook, Twitter, BBM, AIM, Windows Live Messenger, Messages, SMS, Address Book, Calendar, Browser, Options, Google Maps, Google Talk, Vlingo, Pandora, Poynt, and many more.

Click on the time within the menu and a more detailed view is displayed. In this display, you will be shown the current time in addition to the current date in a Menu Clock window. Also new is the new settings area which can be reached by opening the application. In this area you may change what is displayed when the Menu Clock is shown, and also what is displayed when it is clicked.

- Shows current time in menu
- Shows current time in main screen
- Detailed view when time is clicked under the menu
- Formats current time according to your location (e.g. AM/PM)
- No device reset required

Menu Clock v2.1.0

Menu Clock v2.1.0 for BlackBerry

Version: 2.1.0
File Size: 76 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher

Download Menu Clock v2.1.0

BlackBerry World

