Home to Phone also intelligently handles sending phone numbers from your desktop to your phone, making it the quickest way to make calls. In some cases, Home to Phone will automatically convert your links to mobile versions to make them even faster and easier to load on your device (such as App World and Google search links). Try Home to Phone now and see why sending yourself links in email is yesterdays solution!
Visit http://HomeToPhone.com to learn more, download desktop applications and watch our promotional video.
- Send links instantly using BlackBerry Push messaging from your browser (Firefox currently supported, and Chrome coming soon!), or using our Windows application (Mac version coming soon!)
- Send links from your phone to your desktop for later reading
- Send phone numbers from your desktop for quick dialing
- Automatically conv
ert some links to mobile versions
- Extremely fast and efficient with minimal battery and memory usage
Currently supported:
- Firefox (all platforms, most recent versions)
- Windows
- Chrome
- Mac OS X support coming soon!

Version: 1.0
File Size: 23 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher
Download Home to Phone v1.0
BlackBerry World