Kamus Inggris 1.0.11

Kamus Inggris 1.0.11 - Kamus Inggris is an offline dictionary app that translate between English-Indonesia and Indonesia-English (use menu to change the mode).

Kamus Inggris


1. The most complete words database compared to other Dictionary app and will be updated periodically.
2. Fast and practical searching.

If you got this error:
"Can't detect SD Card", make sure your SD Card is plugged and your BlackBerry® is not plugged to the computer.

If you experience a failure in installing the App, the error is in your App World. Please do these steps to reset your App World: 

If you have qwerty keypad:
1. Open App World
2. While holding Alt key, type RST sequentially. The App World should be closed.
3. Try reinstalling the App

If you have a full touch screen BlackBerry®:
1. Open App World
2. Press and holding shift key. Type 34( sequentially. The App World should be closed.
3. Try reinstalling the App If you have any problem, please contact me via provided email

Kamus Inggris v1.0.11 for BlackBerry

Kamus Inggris v1.0.11

Version: 1.0.11
File Size: 2 MB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher

Download Kamus Inggris v1.0.11
OTA (http://url.prohp.net/tazgz)

BlackBerry World
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