• 60 unique physics-based stunt challenges to complete, with 20 additional “sandbox” challenges.
• Unparalleled level of car customization! Fully customize 9 iconic car types with unlockable upgrades that change how a car drives, like jet engines, monster truck tires, armour plating or cargo wagons – over 2 billion different combinations!
• Have the Stig test any car you customize on the official Top Gear Test track, then race to beat his time.
• Challenge your friends directly to beat your stunt scores and race times with any car you create.
• A wide variety of Game Center and OpenFeint achievements that reward experimentation and driving skill.

Version: 1.0
File Size: 87 MB
Required: Tablet OS 1.0.0 or higher
Download Top Gear: Stunt School v1.0
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