
Facebook - Facebook® for BlackBerry® smartphones makes it even easier to connect with friends and share your news while you’re on the go. Discover all the great ways Facebook works with your BlackBerry smartphone to help you stay connected and on top of your social life.

What’s new:
•Refreshed Look and Feel
•BBM integration – Share your PIN, Invite to BBM, and Chat with BBM contacts
•Ability to un-friend in app
•Photo Enhancements – Higher resolution, faster viewing and more ways to interact

Facebook 3.3 is for BlackBerry Device Software 5.0 or higher. Facebook v1.9 is available for BlackBerry Device Software 4.5-4.7.

File Size: 3726 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher

Download Facebook v3.3.0.11
OTA Installer OS 5.0
OTA Installer OS 6.0
OTA Installer OS 7.0
OTA Installer OS 7.1

Offline Installer OS 5.0
Offline Installer OS 6.0
Offline Installer OS 7.0
Offline Installer OS 7.1

