BlackBerry Messenger BETA

BlackBerry Messenger BETA - Hump-Day Surprise! Our final release candidate, BlackBerry Messenger version is now available for download! As we quickly approach our product release date we hope you find some time to download the latest version of BlackBerry Messenger 7.0 and test it out!

Still haven't tried out the BBM Voice feature? Invite your friends to join Beta Zone and download the upgrade; it's that easy! This program is completely open to anyone who is a Beta Zone member, all they have to do it sign up and look under 'Eligible Programs'.

BBM now has a Voice - Check it Out!
Welcome to BlackBerry Messenger 7.0! We are excited to have you on board for this program, and can't wait to hear what you have to say! Getting started is as simple as downloading, connecting to WiFi, inviting your BBM contacts, and tap the BBM Voice icon in any BBM Chat!

So, what's new with BBM 7.0? Check out the 'What's New' tab to read up on the new features included, here's a quick overview:

BBM Voice
BBID Synchronization

BBM Voice
Let's talk more about BBM Voice before you get started. BBM Voice now gives you the freedom to chat with your friends the way you want. Seamlessly switch from a BBM text conversation to a voice call, and talk to your friends, virtually wherever they are in the world, for free over WiFi. For more details about the features check out the 'What's New' tab.

Invite a Friend! - So you can use BBM 7.0 and BBM Voice to it's fullest capabilities feel free to invite as many friends/BBM Contacts as you can so they can participate too ... and chat of course! Simply have them login to their Beta Zone account (or have them sign up) and find the BlackBerry Messenger 7.0 beta under their 'Eligible Programs'. Simple as that!

Technical Requirements - Please check out the 'BBM Voice - Technical Requirements' tab to learn a bit more about WiFi and router configurations for BBM Voice, and post on the discussion boards if you run into any problems.

Now Get Started!
Take a look around the site and learn a bit more about BBM 7.0, and of course download the client while you're here. The latest software version and download instructions are located under the 'Downloads' tab. After downloading please be sure to review the list of known issues too.

 Please see the list of fixed issues for BlackBerry Messenger below:

    Call stays 'connecting' for a very long time
    In the message “Missed voice” name of the contact is not visible
    ‘Not talking’ and ‘Not interested’ emoticons swapped
    Emoticons appear small, regardless of font size
    Emoticons don't match in status message and display name after changing font sizes
    Uncaught exception or no audio when calling between 9810 and a 9981 on 7.0 OS
    Device opening a secure connection to but the server's certificate contains a different domain:
    The timestamp in the email text that is forwarded from BBM Group Chat is not accurate
    Declining a phone call while in a voice chat will cause the voice chat to have no audio
    BBM contact status not updated correctly and BBM Voice icon remains disabled after Child Protection goes from enabled to disable
    While in a active phone call, receiving a BBM Voice Call will put the device in speaker mode automatically for OS 7.1.0 device
    While in a active phone call, receiving a BBM Voice Call will drop the audio for the phone call for OS 6.0 device
    After cancelling an outbound call another outbound call is placed automatically
    Chat ended with call history added twice
    Unable to restore BBM contact list for one-time recovery from SD card when SD card has 0 bytes free
    User can send voice notes while on a call using convenience key and with on screen attach button
    Device becomes frozen after receiving an MVS call during a BBM Voice chat
    When receiving a phone call while in a voice chat, there is no audio in a voice chat when ringing
    When receiving a phone call while in a voice chat, the message explaining that accepting the phone call will end the voice chat is cut off
    No menu option to activate speaker phone or headset when call screen is minimized
    Contact Voice Status appears in italics beside music symbol when replacing Music status
    NullPointerException popped up on screen after battery pull
    BBM still shows the Name of the song as status, even though the song is not playing and Show What I'm Listening To is unchecked

Version: (BETA)
Size: 5833 KB
Required: OS 6.0 or Higher

Download BBM (BETA)
OTA Installer OS 6.0
OTA Installer OS 7.0
OTA Installer OS 7.1

Offline Installer OS 6.0
Offline Installer OS 7.0
Offline Installer OS 7.1


*)If you already have OLD key, use it. If you dont have key & betazone ID you must register
- Register here
- Confirm the registration email on your inbox
- After it login with your id and password at
- See the Eligible Program.
- To see your serial number check your inbox on your email after you have install the program do you want.

