Mass Storage Error On PC or Laptop

Mass storage mode is one of the features that very useful on Blackberry, by this feature we can transfer file to or from PC/Laptop to our Blackberry faster, all we need is just plug in thr cable data to BlackBerry and connected to our PC/Laptop. and it will be detected automatically by PC/Laptop, almost the same as Flashdisk or eksternal HDD.

Bur some time this Storage Mode wont work as we wish, to have this problem solved, try this tips, which might be useful.

Mass Storage Mode Blackberry

First, go to option-device-storage, make this setting applied.
  • Media Card Support: On
  • Encryption Mode: None
  • Mass Storage Mode Support: On
  • Auto Enable Mass Storage Mode When Connected: Yes
Then make sure on your laptop or PC has been installed with the latest Blackberry Desktop Manager Software, if problem still came up, try with different PC/Laptop, still undetected, try to change the Cable Data and Memory Card. but if it can't detected too, it is time to wipe your Blackberry and chanfe the OS with the latest one, there might be a corrupted file in previous OS. but Backup your Data first.

If you still cannot fix the problem, Hardware issued may be the problem, time to change your handheld, or send it to your Distributor for fixing...Happy Weekend.
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