1. Google Chrome
Spesifikasi & Reviews:
- Feature Set: 5 Star (Excellent)
- Security: 5 Star (Excellent)
- Speed & Compatibility: 5 Star (Excellent)
- Easy of Use: 5 Star (Excellent)
- Help & Support: 5 Star (Excellent)
- Initial Startup Time: 4 detik
- Average Startup Time: 4,3 detik
- Navigation Time: 4,4 detik
- Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Autofill, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Automatic update, Password manager, Find-On page function, Zoom , Add-ons, Spell check, Open source development, Seamless download manager, Thumbnail preview, Synchronize.
- Pop-up blocker.
- Anti-spyware.
- Anti-virus.
- Anti-Phising.
- Clear data.
- Private mode.
Operating System:
- Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 8, Mac OS.
2. Mozilla Firefox
- Feature Set: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
- Security: 5 Star (Excellent)
- Speed & Compatibility: 5 Star (Excellent)
- Easy of Use: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
- Help & Support: 5 Star (Excellent)
- Initial Startup Time: 6,3 detik
- Average Startup Time: 6,3 detik
- Navigation Time: 5,7 detik
- Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Autofill, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Automatic update, Password manager, Find-On page function, Zoom , Add-ons, Spell check, Open source development, Seamless download manager, Synchronize, Parental controls.
- Pop-up blocker.
- Anti-spyware.
- Anti-virus.
- Anti-Phising.
- Clear data.
- Private mode.
Operating System:
- Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 8, Mac OS.
- Feature Set: 5 Star (Excellent)
- Security: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
- Speed & Compatibility: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
- Easy of Use: 4,5 Star (Excellent)
- Help & Support: 5 Star (Excellent)
- Initial Startup Time: 4,3 detik
- Average Startup Time: 4 detik
- Navigation Time: 4,5 detik
- Tabbed browsing, Integrated search engine, Autofill, Save tabs, Customization options, Bookmarks, Rss feeds, Automatic update, Password manager, Find-On page function, Zoom , Add-ons, Thumbnail preview, Synchronize, Parental controls.
- Pop-up blocker.
- Anti-spyware.
- Anti-virus.
- Anti-Phising.
- Clear data.
- Private mode.
Operating System:
- Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 8.
Ketiga aplikasi web browser tersebut memang sangat populer di kalangan penguna internet, lalu mengapa kedua web browser firefox dan chrome menjadi browser yang banyak sekali peminatnya dibandingkan browser-browser lain Karena mereka menawarkan web browser yang mempunyai nilai lebih dibanding web browser seperti umumnya.
Semoga Membantu :D