Sensitive and Confidential information can be easily leaked out, as people may access into the inbox messages in our phone while we are away and left it unattended.
Outgoing messages sent using this application will be stored in the application storage itself instead of the phone inbox storage.
Therefore, you need not worry about your outgoing messages exposed to other unintended recipient.
Incoming messages sent by this application will not be shown in the phone inbox as well.
To view the messages in the application, one need to type in their password and login to the application.
This will ensure no one except you can view the message.
- Both Sender and recipient need to install this application in order to work.
* Compose Message:- Allow user to compose SMS in different type of languages. User can choose either manually add recipient mobile number or select recipient mobile number from the phone address book.Support multiple recipients as SMS can be sent to multiple users at one time.User can select 'Help' option to contact us for advice on any technical issue.
* Inbox:- Messages received will be displayed in a list form arrange by timestamps. User can select the any messages from the list to be displayed in full screen and choose whether or not to reply the sender. Unwanted Inbox messages can be deleted from the list.
* Change Password:- User can change his or her password anytime to protect their privacy.
* Sent Item:- Allow user to view what messages had been sent out and to whom the messages sent to. Sent items can be deleted from the list.

Version: 1.0
File Size: 414 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher
Download Secret Message v1.0
BlackBerry World