Charging Problem on Blackberry OS 7

I often got this problem several time, Blackberry with OS 7 cannot be charge and there a pop up message on the screen "The charging source connected to your BlackBerry device cannot charge your battery" along with a brown icon in the Battery Indicator as shown below.

This Error could be fixed by rebooting Blackberry, but its keep show up that forces us to take the battery out before we charge the Blackberry.
This problem caused not because of the BUG in OS that we used, but it caused because several problem :

Case #1

  • Blink led Application , Blink v6.x is not fully supported for Blackberry OS 7. so uinstall this Application, reboot the blackberry and use v7.x.x blink application or Be buzz (Note: not all user having this Blink v6 in Blackberry OS 7.x)

Case #2

  • Overheat protection on Blackberry, Take the Battery out and wait until the Handheld cooling down a while before plug in the Battery.

Case #3

  • If you are using Power Bank, Please use the Original Cable

Note: Make sure you are using original Blackberry Charger

