Silent Camera Pro with Camera Timer 3.3

Silent Camera Pro with Camera Timer 3.3 - Click multiple pictures with a single click. Camera Timer is a convenient and perfect tool to provide some delay before clicking a photograph.

Silent Camera Pro with Camera Timer
With the application, you can also take multiple pictures at once by specifying the time interval between consecutive photos. You can provide a delay of upto 20 seconds and can take upto 10 photographs with a single click. Pictures clicked through Camera Timer are saved in PNG format.

Features –
* Provides a time delay of upto 20 seconds
* Can click upto 10 pictures on a single click
* Set interval between successive photos
* Save images in PNG format
* Can be launched from the native camera as well
* On/Off vibration on clicking a picture
* Displays clicked pictures within the application

Camera Timer provides four utilities – Time delay to click photos, click multiple photos with one click, mark interval between successive photos and no shutter sounds.

Silent Camera Pro with Camera Timer v3.3

Silent Camera Pro with Camera Timer v3.3 BlackBerry

Version: 3.3
File Size: 573 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher

Download Silent Camera Pro with Camera Timer v3.3
OTA OS 5.0
OTA OS 6.0
OTA OS 7.x

Offline OS 5.0
Offline OS 6.0
Offline OS 7.x

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