Battery Doctor is by far the most advanced battery booster app available for your Device!
Battery Doctor Features:
1. Brilliant Graph:- To monitor Battery behavior for last 24 hours!
2. Voice Alerts:- Battery Doctor now provides Voice Alerts for your battery and Wi-Fi.
3. Battery Life Estimation:- Project how much Talk-Time, Stand-by and Music Play time is left!
4. Wi-Fi Alerts:- Battery Doctor has the feature to Prompt Or Auto-Disable WiFi (if not connected) to conserve Battery
5. Manage Connections:- Manage your Mobile/ Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth connections at 1 touch to optimize battery!
6. Auto On-Off:- Schedule your device to turn off and back on at specific time. Multiple off/on schedules are possible and can save a
lot of power!
7. Monitor Process Setting:- Notifies you at periodic intervals in case any app that you choose and is left running in background and
drains battery!
8. Display Manager:- Auto Adjust Brightness Level of your device to conserve battery!
9. Battery Alerts:- Get alerts (vibrate + tone) if battery levels fall below specified level.
10. Set current Battery as Screensaver While Charging Your Device!

Version: 2.1
File Size: 796 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher
Download Battery Booster-Battery Doctor! v2.1
BlackBerry World