Unit Converter 3.3

Unit Converter 3.3 - This easy to use tool allows you to quickly convert between hundreds of different units.

The following categories are currently supported:
- Acceleration
- Angles
- Area
- Energy
- Computers
- Force
- Frequency
- Length
- Pressure
- Time
- Torque
- Velocity
- Volume
- Weight and mass

Features include:
- Up to 6 decimal points of precision (adjustable)
- Digit grouping for easier reading
- Intuitive design
- Hundreds of built-in units
- 14 Categories of measurements

Note for Storm users:
You may need to disable compatibility mode to run this application. After installing, go to Options, select Applications, highlight this app, hit the menu key, and hit Disable Compatibility Mode

Version: 3.3
File Size: 187 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher


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