Past Chat - Send For BBM Chat History to your Email 1.4

Past Chat - Send For BBM Chat History to your Email 1.4 - With Past Chat you can email your BlackBerry Messenger Chat History to your email address
in an easy to read excel file format.

- See all you Contacts listed by Pin Number
- Even the deleted contacts history can be retrieved and sent to email


BBM is a very secure application so we cannot extract display names of your contacts, we can however
extract their BBM PIN numbers.

Sneek Peek allows you to assign a Contact name to a PIN number so once you have setup Sneek Peek you will
have all your contacts listed by Name and PIN number.

Some patience, Copy and Pasting between BBM and Sneek Peek is required but once done it will be saved
and you can feel free to update and use the app all you like.

Required BBM 6.1 and BlackBerry OS 5.x or above

Version: 1.4
File Size: 610 KB
Required: 6.0.0 or higher


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