Following the release of BlackBerry OS 10.1 software update. BlackBerry Team announces additional features that will be released in the next OS update which is BlackBerry 10 OS 10.2.
BlackBerry OS 10.2 is scheduled for release in the coming month.
Here are some updated that will be release along BlackBerry OS 10.2
1. Headless apps
Headless apps will be running in the background and can be on call rather than turn up and running in the panel.
2. USB Host Capability
This feature allows you to connect USB drives / sticks to your BlackBerry devices and to transfer files.
BlackBerry OS 10.2 will have Wi-Fi connectivity directly between devices rather than through a wifi router. That is, it would make connectivity features like Bluetooth, the device can connect directly. By using a system of Wi-Fi radio then transfer speeds will be much faster than Bluetooth. Can be used to connect to the video show on screen.
4. Flurry Analytics
BlackBerry will support named Flurry analytics solution that will help developers better understand the consumers who use the app that created.
5. Smart cards
Smart card support allowing aka BlackBerry 10 devices to access cards to access the building, room system that uses NFC.
6. Altimeter
Altimeter will provide an opportunity for developers to create apps that can use altitude information from the device.
7. Geofencing
Geofencing in BlackBerry smartphones will provide an opportunity for developers to create apps that can access and provide information on the location you are. Creating apps that can provide service according to your location or access control and monitoring suit your location.
8. Android Jelly Bean Support
With 10.2 BlackBerry OS, BlackBerry will be able to support Android Jelly Bean Apps. With this efficient feature, users will be able to use the BlackBerry apps from Android developers. BlackBerry gives users more choice of apps from Google Playstore.
It seems BlackBerry is serious about developing BlackBerry OS and provides features advanced features for users and developers. Let developers have more options to make a more interesting apps, more advanced features for use.