MessageForward v1.5.1

MessageForward v1.5.1 - MessageForward can automatically forward your incoming SMS messages to any email address.
MessageForward for BlackBerry

- Conveniently check your SMS text messages via email.
- Avoid situations where you always have to check your phone.
- Save a backup of all your incoming text messages for future reference.
- Check your SMS text messages even when you do not have your BlackBerry® with you.
- Keep track of SMS text messages on multiple phones in one single email account.
- Compatible with Gmail, AIM Mail, Windows Live Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, GMX Mail, Zenbe, Fastmail,, HotPOP,, and any other email account.
- Example: An AT&T subscriber gets a SMS text message on their BlackBerry®, then with MessageForward, a copy is automatically forwarded to their Outlook.

MessageForward v1.5.1

MessageForward v1.5.1 for BlackBerry

Version: 1.5.1
File Size: 53 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher

Download MessageForward v1.5.1

BlackBerry World

