Find The Place 2.0

Find The Place 2.0 - Don't know where is ATM, Hospital, Mall, Pub, Resturant, Bar?? Don't fear ""Find A Place"" is here. You can find your places 500 - 5000 meter area. GPS enabled best application to find the places. This application find your current location with the help of GPS then search the places around your current location or If you want to search the places around a address provided by you this is the application you are looking for.

Find The Place

This application enables you to select multiple items. For example - Suppose you want to find ATM and Bar in 2000 meter range in a particular area.

Steps are as follows:
1. Select the area range
2. Select the places (ATM, Bar, Hospitals etc)
3. If want to search these selected places around the address provided by you then click on Search button and in the popup enter the address and click on Search button Or if you want to search these selected places around your current location, click on My Location button.

This application gives you complete information about the place such as complete address, phone number and near by locators. This is one of the best application to find a place in an area you want o search for.

Find The Place v2.0 BlackBerry

Find The Place v2.0

Version: 2.0

File Size: 144 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher
Download Find The Place v2.0

BlackBerry World

