ArabicPad 2.0

ArabicPad 2.0 - ArabicPad is a simple notepad to write arabic text directly without using arabic keyboard. you can compose messages, sms, email in arabic using ArabicPad easily.



ArabicPad transliterate keyboard (latin) input into respective arabic character using Bikdash arabic transliteration rules.

note: If you're using Blackberry Storm, Please make sure to type in landscape mode

Characters mapping:
ا (alif) = A ب (ba') = b/B ت (ta) = t ث (tsa') = C/c ج (jim) = j/J ح (ha) = H خ (kho') = K د (dal) = d ذ (dzal) = z' ر (ro') = r ز (za') = z س (sin) = s ش (syin) = x ص (shod) = S ض (dhod) = D ط (tho') = T ظ (dzo') = Z ع ('ain) = E غ (ghin) = g ف (fa') = f ق (qaf) = q ك (kaf) = k ل (lam) = l م (mim) = m ن (nun) = n و (waw) = w ه (ha) = h ل (lam) = l ي (ya) = y أ (alif with hamza above )= ee إِ (alif with hamza below) = ei َ (fathah) = a ِ (kasrah) = i ُ (dhommah) = u اً (fathatayn) = aN ٌ (dhommatayn)= uN ٍ (kasratayn)= iN

ArabicPad v2.0 BlackBerry

ArabicPad v2.0

Version: 2.0
File Size: 80 KB
Required: 5.0.0 or higher

Download ArabicPad v2.0

BlackBerry World

