Aerize Card Loader
General Usage
Upon starting, Card Loader's user interface will show a list of all applications installed on the
· First, a list of the applications installed to the SD card will be shown with an SD card icon
next to them. These applications are ready to be installed to the device.
· Second, a list of the applications installed on the device memory are shown, without an SD
card icon. These applications are ready to be run on the device.
Loading an Application from a SD Card
When you want to load an application onto the BlackBerry device, insert the SD Card with the
application, and tell Aerize Card Loader to load the application. If you have not yet configured an
SD Card with applications, please see the section on SD card configuration.
1. Open Aerize Card Loader on the BlackBerry device
2. Select the appropriate application, with the SD card logo next to it
3. Select the 'Load' menu option
Removing an Application from the BlackBerry device
When you want to remove an application to free up space on your device it's simple -- let Aerize
Card Loader handle it for you.
1. Open Aerize Card Loader on the BlackBerry device
2. Choose the desired application without the SD card logo, and select the 'Unload' menu option
3. You may be prompted to reset your device when the application has been removed
Viewing information about a SD Application
1. Choose the desired application -- it should have an SD Card icon
2. Select the 'Info' menu item.
Viewing information about a Device Application
1. Choose the desired application -- it should not have an SD Card icon
2. Select the 'Info' menu item.
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15 blogger-facebook
Write blogger-facebookaktivasi aerize card MY PIN 2349d73a
Replysangat berguna di BB lama. aktivasi aerize card to my PIN 32C1DFF2 ... thx
Replymdh2an bs membantu.
Please! my PIN IS: 2120BFD7
Replymy pin 266DF962 mohon bantuan nya gan
ReplyHi could you plz help me get the serial, here's my pin: 28DC6994
ReplyMohon aktivasi 2a373f53
Replyterima kasih udh ng.share app ny....lebih membantu dengan key aktivation ny om my pin :2935120E
ReplyHi could you pliz get me activation serial for Aerize Card Loader, MY BB Pin: 221c8693
ReplyIni benar bisa pindahin applikasi ke sd card dan tidak perlu cara root lagi yah?
Replyminta activation nya dong pin saya : 25FA6252 di tunggu ya saya mau coba ini aplikasi.
Tolong aktivasi nya ya pin saya = 3148D795 terimakasih.
ReplyTolong aktivasinya pin = 3148D795
ReplyPlease a serial code for 26B055BC?
ReplyPlease, a serial code for 26B055BC?